Not all data is readily available. Most data are available in a relational database. But the rest of the data can be from a closed source applciation or internet or from third parties
Every application has its own assumptions. So they save data in different formats. They might need transformations.
Load the extracted and transformed data into your infrastructure. This could be for reporting purposes or moving data from one application to another
Data Science is the hot topic in the market. It is all about getting meaningfull information from your data and using that to improve your business
We believe that all solutions should be straight forward and be trans
We support applications like Foxpro, Visual basic 6, Micrsoft Excel, Access based applciaitons
We ramp up with your environment faster than many others in the market. We are one of the few, who does not promote new products when you face trouble with the existing one.
We are proud to say that we are the first hosting company to offer support not just for the hardware and the operating system, but support your custom applications and work with you to get the best for your business
There are many options available to acheive the same result. We can choose the best and effective one for you that fits your requirement. We can audit and optimize your infrastructure
We are experts with security solutions having made our own security products. Our network head used to work for the USA millitary Defence base. He and his team, takes no chances.
We make sure that our resources are available in many ways (GSM / voip phone, messenger, video conference), so that you never loose visibility even if it is thousands of miles away
Even when you hire a single resouce, that resource is backed by a team of highly skillful resource who are constantly evolving,
The team does not follow rules and procedures laid by us, but by you and your company.